AVAILABLE NOW ~ The New “Beulah” Dance Project Downloads & DVD Set.

“You shall no more be termed Forsaken, and your land shall no more be termed Desolate, but you shall be called My Delight Is in Her [Hephzibah], and your land Married [Beulah]; for the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married.” Isaiah 62:4

We are excited to unveil the new "Beulah" dance project. The instructional videos feature sixteen beautiful songs from Israel with choreographed dances, including beloved Israeli dance favorites, which deepen our connection with the land and inspire intimacy with The King. Yeshua delights in His people being joined with the land, and His people delight in Him. ‘Beulah’ means 'married' or 'bride.' This beautifully inspired artwork represents the covenantal relationship our Father made between the Land and His people. The songs we are using for this project are by musical artists Joshua Aaron, Carolyn Hyde, Baht Rivka Whitten, Micha'el & Ashley BenDavid, Danny Carmel, Arleen Elysheva Ramirez, Shai Sol, and many others. We pray that you will be blessed! Ralph and Dr. Mindy Seta

The Beulah Dance Project DVD Set (Pre~Order)
  • The Beulah Dance Project DVD Set (Pre~Order)

The Beulah Dance Project DVD Set (Pre~Order)

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This project presents sixteen beautiful songs from the land of Israel that aim to inspire a stronger connection with the land and intimacy with the King. Some contributing artists are Joshua Aaron, Carolyn Hyde, Baht Rivka Whitten, Micha'el & Ashly BenDavid, Danny Carmel, Arleen Elysheva Ramirez, Shai Sol,and many others. Pre~Orders include

This project presents sixteen beautiful songs from the land of Israel that aim to inspire a stronger connection with the land and intimacy with the King. Some contributing artists are Joshua Aaron, Carolyn Hyde, Baht Rivka Whitten, Micha'el & Ashly BenDavid, Danny Carmel, Arleen Elysheva Ramirez, Shai Sol, and many others. Pre~Orders include free shipping in U.S. (A savings of 10%)

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The Beulah Dance Project Downloads (Pre~Order)
  • The Beulah Dance Project Downloads (Pre~Order)

The Beulah Dance Project Downloads (Pre~Order)

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This project presents sixteen beautiful songs from the land of Israel that aim to inspire a stronger connection with the land and intimacy with the King. The collection features contributions from artists like Joshua Aaron, Carolyn Hyde, Baht Rivka Whitten, Micha'el & Ashly BenDavid, Danny Carmel, Arleen Elysheva Ramirez, Shai Sol, and many others.

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By becoming a producer, you will receive early access to all sixteen dances of the "Beulah" project.
"Beulah" Dance Production Costs $3,000
$2,718 raised to date 06/12/2024
~ Thank You!]

A $50 donation will earn you the title of "Producer" for the Beulah project, and a $100 contribution will grant you the status of "Executive Producer." Every donor, regardless of whether $50 or $100, will receive a unique web link to preview the dances in April before the official launch of the downloadable content and DVD set in June. When donating please email us your preference when choosing the DVD set and provide for us your mailing address. Your support is greatly appreciated! (mindy@mdci.info)
(Please indicate if you prefer to remain an anonymous contributor.)
Thank you!
Cheryl Zettler
Nancy Moline
Beth Awtrey
Susan McColaugh
Marisol Cordon
Lila McDougall
Tania Arocha
Ann Timothy
Kim McKay
Kathy Hageman
Anita Kelliher
Elaine Lilling
Michelle Ann 
Kurt & Janelle Van Burkleo
Nicki Tiso
Lila McDougall
Sandra Chandler
Victoria Collins
Tamara Haberer
Shelena Twitty
Kelly Mauck

[Karin Foreman's lovely artwork highlights the Scripture verse from Isaiah 62:4.]